
Childcare is an essential part of a child’s early years, as it plays a critical role in their social, emotional, physical, and mental development. These four areas are interconnected and equally important in shaping a child’s overall well-being.

Our infant, toddler, and preschool classrooms offer a comprehensive curriculum to incorporate developmentally appropriate and engaging activities that support development in the following areas:

  • Social and Emotional development

  • Cognitive development

  • Physical development

  • Language development

  • Creativity development

Our commitment is to ensure that your child thrives socially, emotionally, physically, and mentally. To achieve this goal, we provide an array of stimulating and exciting activities every day.

Social development
Social development involves learning how to interact with others, build relationships, and understand social norms. Children will have the opportunity to play and socialize with their peers, learn how to share, take turns, and communicate effectively. By fostering a positive and inclusive environment, our teachers can help children develop social skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Emotional development
Emotional development involves learning how to express and regulate emotions, as well as developing self-awareness and empathy. Our teachers will provide a safe and nurturing environment where children feel supported and valued. By acknowledging and validating children’s feelings, and teaching them healthy coping mechanisms, caregivers can help children develop emotional intelligence and resilience.

Physical development
Physical development involves developing gross and fine motor skills, as well as promoting healthy habits such as exercise and nutrition. At Milestones, children can engage in physical activities in our indoor gym or outdoor playground space such as running, jumping, and playing games that help develop their muscles and coordination.

Cognitive development
Cognitive development involves skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. Milestones teachers will provide age-appropriate activities that encourage children to think and explore. By promoting curiosity and creativity, we can help children develop a love of learning and a growth mindset.